Questions in Translation — Feb. 21-22, 2019
Opening Remarks, Amalia Gladhart, Director, Oregon Center for Translation Studies
Roundtable panel: “Is translation border crossing?”
Karen McPherson, Professor Emerita, French, Moderator
Katherine Brundan, Senior Instructor, Comparative Literature,
Mahboob Ahmad, PhD candidate, English
Maya Larson, PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature
Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, Associate Professor, Chinese Linguistics
Glynne Walley, Associate Professor, Japanese Literature
Daria Smirnova, PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature
6:00 UO Faculty Club, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
All participants are warmly invited.
Friday 2/22, Browsing Room, Knight Library
10:00-10:30 Coffee
Roundtable panel: “What do ‘good’ translations do, exactly?”
Aline Alves Ferreira, Assistant Professor, Hispanic & Cognitive Linguistics, UCSB
Jon Jaramillo, PhD candidate, Romance Languages
Priscilla Hunter, Professor Emerita, Southern Oregon University
Jina Kim, Assistant Professor, Korean Literature and Culture
Norma Comrada, Courtesy Professor, REEES
12:00-1:30 Lunch Break
Roundtable panel: “What does it mean to translate context?”
Amalia Gladhart, Professor of Spanish, Moderator
Patrick Blaine, Dean, Languages, Literature, and Communication, Lane Community College
Joscha Klueppel, PhD student, German and Scandinavian,
Amanda Powell, Senior Lecturer II of Spanish, Emerita
Tze-Yin Teo, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature
Keynote address, “Translation, Advocacy, Friendship” Karen Emmerich, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University
Reception Following